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Meet Hannah Perkins, DDS

Dr. Hannah Perkins graduated from UTHealth School of Dentistry with her Doctorate of Dental Surgery. She is a certified provider for Invisalign and recognized by the Academy of Laser Dentistry. Additionally, she serves as a Captain in the U.S. Army Reserves, a role she has proudly held since 2020. Prior to her dental career, Dr. Perkins earned her B.S. in Biology from Texas State University and taught 11th and 12th grade physics in her hometown of Mesquite, TX. Inspired by her lifelong dentist, she decided to pursue dentistry, where her passion for learning, teaching, and patient care found its ideal match. Dr. Perkins is dedicated to providing personalized, high-quality care, ensuring her patients are well-informed about their oral health and empowered to take control of their overall well-being. She strives to build lasting relationships with her patients, making sure their visits are not only productive but also educational.

Where Did You Study Dentistry?

Dr. Perkins earned her Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the UTHealth School of Dentistry. She also holds a certification from the Academy of Laser Dentistry and is an Invisalign certified provider. Her educational journey began at Texas State University, where she completed her B.S. in Biology before embarking on her career in dentistry.

Dr. Perkins remains dedicated to ongoing professional development to ensure she provides the most up-to-date and effective treatments for her patients.

Outside of the Office
In her free time, Dr. Perkins enjoys spending quality time with her partner, Matt, and their two cats, Apple and Davy. A self-described foodie, she loves exploring the vibrant Houston restaurant scene. She also enjoys staying active through rock climbing and participating in aerial dance, including lyra and trapeze.

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