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The Home of Your Delta Dental Dentist

At the Houston dental office of Mark Gray, DDS Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, we are dedicated to helping our patients make the most of their dental insurance coverage. One of the ways we enable our patients to maximize their dental insurance coverage is by participating as in-network providers for many major PPO dental insurance plans. We are in-network with Delta Dental, and we welcome patients with these benefit plans to visit our dental office for all of their dentistry needs. We offer a wide range of services to keep our patients smiling, and we have years of experience processing and filing Delta Dental insurance claims to ensure everyone saves as much as possible on their care.

If you have questions about your insurance coverage or need to schedule an appointment, contact our team today. We’re here to help whenever you need us.

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The Benefits of Choosing an In-Network Dentist

As an in-network provider for Delta Dental insurance, we can guarantee our patients will receive the maximum coverage for their care. While most out of network dentists will also process and file your dental insurance claims, they have not agreed to the price ranges set by Delta Dental as fair and reasonable. This means you’ll need to pay the out of pocket costs as well as the difference between Delta’s fair pricing and the price charged by the dentist.

As an in-network provider, our Delta patients will only need to pay for the percentage of treatment cost not covered by their plan and not a penny more. Some patients worry that agreeing to a specific insurance plan’s preset treatment prices and other restrictions will lead to a lower quality of care. Our team will review all of your treatment options and discuss how each will be covered by your dental insurance plan so you can always feel confident you’ve made the right treatment choice for your unique needs.

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Dental Insurance 101

There are a few terms you need to understand in order to decipher your Delta Dental insurance plan and make the most of your coverage, including:

  • Maximums – The highest cost your plan will pay in any one year, typically about $1000 for Delta Dental patients.
  • Premiums – The amount you and/or your employer will need to pay each month for your dental insurance coverage.
  • Deductibles – The amount of money you will need to pay for specific treatments before your dental coverage sets in.

Making the Most of Your Coverage

The easiest thing you can do to make the most of your dental insurance benefits is to visit our dental office for dental checkups twice a year. These visits are our opportunity to help you avoid advanced oral health issues, and they are most often completely covered by dental insurance plans. This means you’ll receive your maximum benefits and be at a decreased risk for advanced treatments that receive diminished dental insurance coverage.

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