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Get Red Carpet-Ready Teeth in Just 2 Visits

One of the first things people notice about you is your smile. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could feel completely confident in its appearance? Sadly, very few of us are born with teeth that are naturally flawless. Whether you’re struggling with minor flaws in your enamel or full-blown dental stains that just won’t budge even with diligent brushing, our cosmetic and restorative services can provide you with stunning results in a comfortable, efficient, and utterly outstanding environment.

But, what if you find yourself faced with several of these issues all at once? Undergoing multiple appointments can be a significant strain on your busy schedule, not to mention your wallet! Thankfully, Mark Gray, DDS Cosmetic and Family Dentistry can offer patients an ideal solutions – porcelain veneers in Houston, TX. These gorgeous restorations can give individual teeth or even your entire smile an effective makeover that’ll make you feel more confident than ever before.

Why Choose Mark Gray, DDS Cosmetic and Family Dentistry for Porcelain Veneers?


Able to Eliminate Multiple Imperfections w/ a Single Procedure
100% Custom-Made Veneers for Each Patient
Straighten Slightly Crooked Teeth— “Instant Orthodontics”
lady with veneer samples

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Veneers are wafer-thin shells of dental porcelain that are created specifically to fit the smiles of each patient. The process is simple enough – first you’ll meet with Dr. Gray in one of our private consultation rooms so that you can discuss in-depth what your personal goals are. You don’t just have to cover up flaws with these beautiful restorations – you can even change aspects of certain teeth, including their shade, size, shape, or even length!

Then, our team will need to remove a tiny bit of your dental enamel so that we can make room for the new veneers. Once your brand-new veneers have been expertly crafted, we’ll fit them snugly into place, making any necessary adjustments to ensure that their look and feel is ideal for you. That’s it! You’ll then leave our dental office with a brand-new, stellar look that you’ll be proud to show off to the world.

Porcelain veneers are very natural-looking, and they’re just as durable as regular teeth, meaning that you won’t have to make any tedious changes to your oral hygiene routine or diet in order to accommodate them. In fact, veneers have been shown in research to be even more resistant to staining than natural teeth.

man smiling in dental chair

Schedule Your Porcelain Veneers Consultation

Contact the dental office of Mark Gray, DDS Cosmetic and Family Dentistry today to learn more about the numerous benefits of porcelain veneers! Our team is dedicated to making your dental visits simpler, smoother, and more comfortable than ever before. Located in Houston, we also serve the areas of Bellaire, Jacinto City, Galena Park, Pearland, and beyond.

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

Veneers were first invented to perfect the smiles of actors and actresses headed for the silver screen. Even today, popular celebrities like Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, and Miley Cyrus owe their award-winning smiles to porcelain veneers. Thankfully, you don’t have to be rich and famous to get veneers since they’re widely available to practically everyone now! However, it’s no secret that veneers are typically more expensive than other cosmetic dental treatments. Read on as we go over some of the most important information regarding the cost of veneers in Houston.

Dr. Gray offers a wide variety of different cosmetic treatments that can beautify your smile. Each one accomplishes different results at different price points. This way, you can improve your smile exactly how you want to in a way that fits best into your budget. Let’s take a closer look at some of our most popular cosmetic services and how the price of veneers compares:

  • Teeth Whitening –Teeth whitening is one of the fastest and most affordable ways to improve your smile, and with our in-office and take-home whitening options, it’s never been easier! Of course, teeth whitening can only improve the color of your teeth, not their shape or size.
  • Dental Bonding – The fastest and cheapest way to address imperfections like chips, stains, and gaps is with dental bonding, which uses a moldable, tooth-colored composite resin. While dental bonding can dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth in as little as a single appointment, it can only be used for minor flaws and will need to be redone every few years.
  • Same-Day Metal-Free Restorations – Thanks to our in-house CEREC technology, we can craft beautiful, custom-made restorations like crowns in a single appointment. You can restore a tooth’s strength while completely redesigning its appearance, but it’s important to keep in mind that crowns require some enamel removal, so they are rarely used as just a cosmetic option.
  • Gum Recontouring — If your teeth appear small or your smile looks “gummy,” gum recontouring can eliminate excess tissue to reveal your naturally beautiful smile. While this treatment will change the appearance of your smile, it won’t make any physical changes to the shape or size of your teeth.
  • Veneers – Although they are by no means the cheapest cosmetic service, veneers are undoubtedly the best way to completely transform every aspect of your smile all at once in just a few short appointments. With veneers, you can change the color, shape, size, position, and practically anything else about the appearance of your teeth that you want to improve.

While we are in-network with Delta Dental and accept most dental insurance plans, cosmetic services like veneers typically aren’t covered by dental insurance. However, that doesn’t mean that the smile of your dreams is out of reach financially! We’re happy to accept financing through CareCredit to help pay for your veneers. With one of their flexible, low- to no-interest plans, qualifying patients can break up the cost of their veneers into smaller, more manageable monthly installments. To learn more about CareCredit, apply online via our website or give our knowledgeable team a call.

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