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We Can Take Care of Everyone

Whether you are new to the area or you’ve been living here for many years, you need a dentist who can look after the smiles of everyone in your family. Houston is a big town, and the last thing you need to contend with is traffic as you drive from one dental professional to another. With Dr. Gray and his team of dental hygienists and dental assistants, you’ll find all the services you need for family dentistry in Houston, TX under one roof.

Why Choose Mark Gray, DDS Cosmetic and Family Dentistry for Family Dentistry?


Happy to Help Children, Adults, & Seniors
Dental Team That Is Friendly & Truly Cares
Caring for Houston Families for Over 30 Years

Your Children’s Dentist in Houston

Those perfect little pearly whites may be practically brand new, but they need care in order to continue looking that way and functioning in good health. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children see the dentist before they are a year old. This may seem rather early for your child to be sitting in the dentist’s chair, but this appointment allows Dr. Gray to get a jump start on maintaining your son or daughter’s incoming teeth and overall oral health.

Then, by the time they are three years old, Dr. Gray or Dr. Newman will want to see your kids for regular dental cleanings and exams just like Mom and Dad. Children’s teeth are just as susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease as are adult’s teeth. They may have even a tougher time fending off these oral troublemakers because good brushing and flossing are more difficult for little hands. To help them, we offer dental sealants and fluoride treatments that will strengthen and protect their teeth.

Adult Oral Health With Your Dentist in Houston

As we mature from childhood, to adolescence and on to adulthood, our mouths and teeth change and age just like the rest of the body. Teeth may succumb to decay, gums may develop periodontal disease, and there may even be tooth loss. Fortunately, your family dentist in Houston will be on the lookout for these troubles at each one of your dental checkups. If we find a problem, then rest assured we have the procedure necessary to restore the form and function of any tooth.

For example, if we find a cavity, then a tooth-colored filling can mend your tooth in a way that is far more discreet than a metal filling.

Cracks can threaten the strength and stability of a tooth. Moreover, if left unattended for too long, then a deep crack can be the access route for bacteria that may eventually cause infection and necessitate a root canal. To prevent this, Dr. Gray will likely suggest a dental crown to preserve and protect the tooth.

family smiling

Schedule an Appointment Today

Contact us today if you would like to know more about family dentistry in Houston or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment. We welcome families from Houston, Memorial, the Energy Corridor, Bellaire, Pearland, Galena Park, Jacinto City, and beyond.

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