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Bring Back Your Confident Smile

For hundreds of years, dentures have been the go-to treatment for tooth loss. While restorative methods have evolved over the years to include more sophisticated options, such as dental implants and bridges, many patients still prefer the affordability, reliability, and easy use that dentures and partial dentures in Houston can provide. We would be happy to sit down with you in one of our comfortable, private consultation rooms and discuss these different treatment options so that you can be sure to choose one that best fits your unique needs. Just give us a call. You deserve to bring back your confident smile!

Why Choose Mark Gray, DDS Cosmetic and Family Dentistry for Dentures?


Traditional & Implant Dentures Available
Custom-Designed for Each Patient
CareCredit Financing Available
lady smiling

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Dentures are an excellent option for people who are missing several, most of, or all of their teeth. They help to make daily tasks, like eating, speaking, and smiling, much less difficult for sufferers of tooth loss. Depending on the number of teeth that are missing and where they are located in the mouth, a customized plan can be made just for you. If you have any existing oral health issues, like gum disease or tooth decay, these will need to be treated ahead of time. Your oral health is always our number one priority!

Types of Dentures

There are a few different types of dentures out there that cater to a variety of different needs. During your initial consultation, we’ll determine which of the following is right for you:

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures consist of multiple teeth placed into a gum-colored base, but instead of a full row, they only contain the restorations that you need to complete your smile; they resemble a puzzle piece in that way, sliding snugly into place inside your mouth. They’re usually attached to your natural teeth with the help of clips or brackets. While they resemble dental bridges, partial dentures are fully removable, just like full dentures.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are designed to either replace your bottom row or top row of teeth, and they are custom-made to complement your features so that they both feel and look great. They stay in place with the help of natural suction. If you need additional support, dental adhesive can also provide stability for the restoration. Full dentures are even removable, meaning that you can take them out while sleeping or practicing oral hygiene for maximum comfort.

Implant Dentures

Implant dentures are held in place by strategically placed dental implants. This technique helps to eliminate slipping, clicking, and the need for adhesives or clasps. Implant dentures are also able to stimulate the jawbone, reducing the amount of resorption that a patient experiences over time. The additional stability provided by these implants allows for patients to regain up to 70% or more of their natural chewing ability. Implant dentures are also designed to last for many decades, so you won’t need to worry about repairs or replacements.

The Benefits of Dentures

Dentures are a lifechanging tooth replacement option. Here are just some of their numerous benefits:

  • Improves speaking ability
  • Increases confidence
  • Prevents surrounding teeth from moving
  • Partially covered by most dental insurance plans
  • Easily removed for cleaning
  • Natural appearance
  • Supports facial muscles
  • Allows for easy eating

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Are you thinking about getting dentures in Houston? If so, you probably want to know how much your overall treatment will cost before committing to anything. Since every smile is unique, the price can vary significantly from patient to patient. At your consultation, Dr. Gray will explain which factors will affect the total cost so you know what you can expect to pay for them. If you’d like to learn more, continue reading or give our office a call today to speak to a member of our team!

Several factors influence the total cost of dentures in Houston, including:

  • Any preliminary dental work needed (i.e., tooth extractions, periodontal therapy, etc.)
  • Number of teeth you’re missing
  • Type of acrylic used for the base (the part that’s color-matched to your gum tissue)
  • Materials your replacement teeth will be made of (usually porcelain or acrylic)

If you’re on a budget, you may be tempted to get more affordable dentures. However, that’s not necessarily ideal. Cheap dentures tend to break easily and will require replacement much sooner than anticipated. It’s always best to go for the higher-quality option, as it’s more likely to be a worthwhile investment.

Yes, but there’s a very good reason for that. Implant dentures require oral surgery and the placement of multiple dental implants. They’re more reliable for day-to-day use because they stay firmly in place. That means you don’t have to worry about your teeth moving around in your mouth while you eat or speak! Unlike traditional dentures, implant dentures can last for decades with proper care and maintenance. Even though there’s a higher upfront cost, you save money in the long run because you don’t have to pay for a replacement every few years.

Since dentures are considered a major procedure, around 50% of their total cost is covered by most dental insurance plans. Of course, the exact amount of coverage offered will vary from plan to plan. Before committing to anything, contact your insurance provider to confirm the details of your policy. Our team is more than happy to help you out with this step if needed.

Don’t have dental insurance? No problem! We offer CareCredit financing to help make your overall treatment much easier to pay for. This option allows you to split up the total cost into smaller, budget-friendly monthly installments. Plus, there are multiple low-to-no interest plans to choose from, meaning you’re guaranteed to find something that won’t break the bank! It’s a great way to make even the most expensive dental treatment affordable.

Are you ready to say goodbye to the gaps in your smile? Give our office a call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Gray today!

Schedule Your Dentures Consultation

Don’t suffer in silence due to tooth loss – instead, visit a world of luxury and comfort at our Houston, TX dental office. We’ve spared no expense in creating the ideal environment for our patients, and we’re eager to welcome you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment! We also serve the areas of Galena Park, Bellaire, Jacinto City, Pearland, and beyond.

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